the 1905 revolution ear marked the end of tsarism in russia mainly because it was the focal point from which all subsequential uprisings and upsets of the russian people. nicholas II's inflexiblility was ultimately his own downfall.

  • Created by: Daniel
  • Created on: 10-05-13 13:05



  • the Russo-Japan war
  • Loss of the war
  • Bloody sunday


  • Russian economy suffered greatly
  • Destabilized confidence in the tsar
  • Showed the Tsar to be an uncaring tyrant

Overall summary

the actions of Nicholas II inevitably led to the 1905 revolution where, if he hadn't been so inflexible to change and so controlling, he could have saved his throne. The Tsar's weak resolve and poor public image destabilized him in the eyes of his country.


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