Theme 4: Women 1953-85

  • Created by: ARQ
  • Created on: 20-05-22 19:47
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  • Women: 1953-85
    • Urban
      • 1960s
        • 45% industrial jobs went to women
        • restricted to low-skilled jobs: textile production, manual labour
        • 74% of  clerical or administrative workers women
      • 1970s
        • women dominated certain professions
      • by 1985 women made up
        • 70% of doctors
        • 75% of university employees
        • 65% of people employed in arts & culture
    • Countryside
      • Khrushchev: Virgin Lands Scheme
        • Required as manual labourers and carers
          • To start families
          • Milkmaids
          • Gardeners
          • Not recruited to use machinery or tractors
          • Given lowest paid and most demanding jobs
            • 450/6400 women recruited in August 1958 were in well paid professional jobs
        • 450/6400 women recruited in August 1958 were in well paid professional jobs
      • 1970s and 80s
        • Continued to work low paid low status jobs in farming
        • 72% lowest paid farmers were women
        • Professional opportunities reflect prejudice that women play nurturing role rather than leadership role
          • 80% teachers in rural schools were women
          • 2% farm managers were women
    • The Family
      • Khrushchev  1953-64
        • Introduced  policies meant to liberate women
          • but based on traditional assumptions
        • Legalised abortion 1955
          • contraception still hard to acquire
        • Increased paid maternity leave, 112 days (1956)
        • Increased facilities based on traditional assumptions
          • Increased crèches, child care facilities and communal laundries
            • Crèches opened late and closed early, incompatible with full working day
          • Introduced convenience foods
            • Attempt to end the "double shift"
          • Mass produced clothing
            • Attempt to end the "double shift"
          • Tried to make fridges widely available, save daily shopping trips
            • Domestic appliances not as helpful or widely available as needed
        • Brezhnev + 1964-85
          • 1965 law liberalising divorce
            • 1979: 1/3 marriages ended in divorce
          • Sexist pronatalist campaign
            • Emphasised "natural" nurturing ability and need for a strong man
          • Criticised working mothers in propaganda. Blamed them for:
            • Juvenile delinquency
            • Rising crime
            • Drugs, alcoholism
            • Family breakup
            • View persisted in last 3 leaders messaging
          • miserable incel energy


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