Hitler becoming Chancellor

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  • Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler Chancellor in 1933?
    • STAGE 1: Bruning- Hindenburg had been working with Bruning whose policies to combat the depression had been very unpopular
    • STAGE 2: Von Papen - Papen only had 68 supporters in the Reichstag, so he called for elections in July 1932. The result merely made the Nazis the biggest party in the Reichstag and Hitler demanded to be made Chancellor
    • STAGE 3: Schleicher - Papens unpopularity meant he was forced to resign, Schleicher took over as Chancellor, but also failed to get the Reichstag to agree with his laws.
    • STAGE 4: 30th Jan 1933- Hindenburg had run out of options. He asked Schleicher to resign and appointed Hitler as Chancellor.


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