Weimar Republic

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  • Weimar Republic
    • Recovery of Germnany
      • Nov 1923- new currency- Rentenmark
        • Stabilised the currency. German people showed confidence in it
      • 1924- Rentenmark converted to Reichsmark (backed with gold)
        • Gradually restored the value of German money
      • 1924- Dawes plan with USA
        • Reorganised and reduced reparations. French withdrew from the Ruhr
      • US Loans
        • Helped to pay reparations. Greatly helped German industry
      • Locarno Pact
        • Improved relations with Britain and France. Guaranteed borders with Belgium, France and Italy
      • Stresemann negotiated German entry to League of Nations
        • Meant that Germany was recognised as a great power once again.
      • Kellogg-Briand Pact
        • Germany was one of 65 countries that agreed to settle disputes peacefully. This wasnt a Stresemann initiative but helped other countries trust Germany more
      • Young Plan
        • Set timescale and reduced reparations. France agreed to leave the Rhineland early.
    • Problems Wiemar faced
      • The constitution. Proportional representation meant lots of small parties. weak coalition govt's formed, getting laws passed became difficult.
      • Attacks from the left. Spartacist uprising (led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg). 100,000 revolt. Weimar called on Freikorps to put down the uprising. Karl and Rosa killed.
      • Treaty of Versailles. weimar blamaed for signing it and so blamed for accepting the harsh penalties it entailed.
      • Attacks from the Right. Kapp Putsch. 1920 5000 march on Berlin to overthrow Weimar and bring Kaiser back. Strikes ensued which brought essential services to a halt. Kapp realised he couldnt govern and fled.
      • France occupied the Ruhr (German industrial area) following failure of Reparation payments. Germans very disappointed in Weimar lack of resistance to occupation. disruption increased Germany's debts, unemployment and the shortage of goods
      • Hyperinflation. Upon the Weimar Republic forming the govt was bankrupt. Shortages caused by french invasion of Ruhr meant cost of goods went up. money was printed to cover the costs but prices went up and up and more and more money was being printed until it was virtually worthless.


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