Virtue Ethics

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  • Virtue Ethics
    • Strengths
      • it's focused on being a good person, not just doing good things
      • morality is important at every moment in life
      • if achieved, you can easily make decisions in the moment
      • don't need to predict outcomes of decisions
    • Weaknesses
      • too hard
        • "that is not for everyone, nor is it easy"
      • too vague
      • what role models should we emulate?
        • Joan of Arc?
        • Kim Kardashian?
        • Mother Teresa?
      • no totally (im)moral behaviours
    • Eudaimonia
      • the supreme good
      • the final purpose of humans
      • flourishing, living well, happiness, a good quality of life
        • kind of like the joy that comes at the end of a very long day
    • 12 virtues
      • modesty
      • Self Control
      • friendliness
      • just resentment
      • Magnificence
      • Courage
      • Generosity
      • high-mindedness
      • right ambition
      • good temper
      • truthfulness
      • wittiness
    • context for applications(Aristotle was the creator)
      • Homosexuality
        • homosexuality was a common theme in religion
          • Ganymede and Zeus
          • Daphnis and Pan
          • Ameinias and Narcissus
          • Achilles and Patroclus
        • greek society didn't define sexuality in reality to gender of the participants
          • more "top and bottom" than "man and woman"
        • same sex marriage did not and does not exist
      • Trans issues
        • trans and GNC people existed in mythology
          • Dionysus
            • often seen as Non binary
          • Caenus
            • born female and asked Poseidon to turn him male
      • Islam
        • Aristotle was not a prophet of Islam
          • he lived roughly 11 centuries before it's creation
      • marriage
        • aristotle was married to Pythias
        • he saw women as a subject to their husband
      • capital punishment
        • justice is "every virtue summed up"
        • capital punishment was practiced in ancient greece
          • but you could legally exile yourself instead
          • aristotle was taught by plato, who was taught by socrates, who underwent capital punishment by poisoning
      • foetus issues
        • "let abortion be procured before sense and life have begun"
      • animal issues
        • Aristotle experimented on Animals
        • Hierarchy of souls - humans are more important
        • **** fights were popular forms of entertainment
        • ancient greeks ate many types of fish/bird
          • not as intensively farmed
        • animal sacrifices were often "asked for permission" to be sacrificed
      • you'll need context to pad out the essay because virtue ethics is really hard to talk about
    • quotes
      • "moral excellence comes about as a result of habit"
      • "some vices miss what it is right because they are deficient, others because they are excessive"
        • cowardice < courage < recklessness
      • "that is not for everyone, nor is it easy"


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