Variety of living organisms

  • Created by: MaisyAbel
  • Created on: 03-11-15 17:22
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  • Variety of living organisms
    • multicellular organims
    • their cells contain chloroplast and are able to carry out p/s
    • their cells have cellulose cell walls
    • They store carbohydrates as starch or sucrose
    • E.G: flowering plants like cereal (e.g. maize), and a herbaceous legume (e.g. peas or beans
    • multicellular organisms
    • their cells do NOT contain chloroplasts and are NOT able to carry out p/s
    • NO cell walls
    • they usually have nervous coordination and are able to move from one place to another
    • they often store carbohydrate as glycogen
    • E.G: mammals (e.g.humans) and insects (e.g horsefly or mosquito)
    • are not able to carry out p/s
    • their body is usually organised into mycelium made from thread-like structures called HYPHAE
      • which contain many nuclei
    • some are single celled
    • their cells have walls made of CHITIN
    • they feed by extracellular secretion of digestive enzymes onto food material and absorption of the organic products
      • this is known as SAPROTROP-HIC NUTRITION
    • they may store carbohydrate as glycogen
    • E.G: mucor (which has a typical fungal hyphal structure) and yeast (which is single-celled)
    • these are microscopic single-celled organisms
    • they have a cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm and plasmids
    • they lack a nucleus but contain a circular chromosome of DNA
    • some can carry out p/s but most feed off other living or dead organisms
    • E.G: lactobacillus bulgaricus (a rod-shaped bacterium used in the production of yogurt from milk) and pneumococcus (a spherical bacterium that acts as the pathogen causing pneumonia)
    • these are microscopic single-celled organisms
    • some like amoeba (that live in pond water) ~ have features like an animal cell.
      • whilst others others, like chlorella ~ have chloroplasts and are more like plants
    • A pathogenic E.G: plasmodium (responsible for causing malaria)
    • these are small particles ~ smaller than bacteria
    • they are parasitic and can reproduce only inside living cells
    • they infect every type of living organism
    • they have a wide range variety of shapes and sizes
    • they have no cellular structure but have a protein coat and contain one type of nucleic acid
    • either DNA or RNA
    • E.G: tabacco mosaic virus(causes discoulouring oftgeh leaves of tabacco plants - by preventing the formation of chloroplast), the influenza virus (causes 'flu') and the HIV virus (causes AIDS)


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