Infradian & Ultradian Rhythms

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  • Ultradian Rhythms
    • biological cycle lasting less than 24 hours
      • One example is the cycle of brain activity during sleep (sleep stages)
      • Sleep cycle has five dinstinct stages of sleep that span about 90 minutes.
        • different levels of brain activity which can be monitored using EGG
          • 1st stage consists of 4-5% sleep cycle = half asleep. Muscle activity is slow.
            • Stage 5 consists of 20-25% sleep cycle as you are indicating REM. Brainwaves are speeding up = REM stage.
  • Researchers controlled the effects of caffeine and alcohol
    • Found that REM activity during sleep was highly correlated with the experience of dreaming
      • Brain activity varied according to how vivid the dreams are.
    • DEMENT KIELTMAN - monitored sleep patterns of 9 Ppts in a sleep lab. Brainwave activity was recorded on an EEG.
  • Infradian Rhythms
    • biological cycles lasting more than 24 hours
      • Menstrual cycle - which is regulated by hormone secretions, namely oestrogen and progesteron secreted by the ovaries.
        • Occurs monthly with the average timing being 28.
          • RUSSELL ET AL - found that sweat from one woman was repeatedly applied to the top lip of another woman.
            • By this, their menstrual cycles should synchronise
              • They concluded that the pheromones in the sweat acted as an external zeitgeber
              • STERN AND McCLINTOCK - gathered samples of Pheromones from 9 women. This was done at different stages of their period.
                • Gets the odour donor to place a cotton pad in their armpit for 8 hours
                  • Pads were treated with alcohol and frozen
                    • 68% women experienced changes to their cycle which brought them closer to the cycle of their odor donor.
                      • Could be explained as random occurrences
  • By this, their menstrual cycles should synchronise
    • They concluded that the pheromones in the sweat acted as an external zeitgeber
    • STERN AND McCLINTOCK - gathered samples of Pheromones from 9 women. This was done at different stages of their period.
      • Gets the odour donor to place a cotton pad in their armpit for 8 hours
        • Pads were treated with alcohol and frozen
          • 68% women experienced changes to their cycle which brought them closer to the cycle of their odor donor.
            • Could be explained as random occurrences


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