Types of Attachment

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  • Types of Attachment
    • Secure Attachments (Type B)
      • Infants avoid strangers when alone but friendly with the caregiver there
      • When separated the child becomes distressed but is easily comforted when caregiver returns
      • 60-75% of British toddlers are classified as secure
      • Infants are keen to explore but regularly go back to their caregiver
      • Secure attachments are associated with a healthy cognitive and emotional development
    • Insecure-Resistant (Type C)
      • High stranger anxiety
      • Extremely distressed when left alone and they accept contact and resist (show anger) when caregiver returns
      • Type of attachment occurs as the mothers sometimes meets the needs of the infant and sometimes ignores their emotional needs
      • Infants are unwilling to explore - cling to caregiver
    • Insecure-Avoidant (Type A)
      • 20-25% of toddlers are classified as insecure avoidant
      • Show little stranger anxiety and can usually be comforted by a stranger
      • Generally avoid social interaction and intimacy with others
      • Show little reaction and contact when the caregiver leaves and returns
      • Type of attachment occurs as caregiver is indifferent to infants needs
      • Infants willing to explore, but do not seek proximity


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