Transport in Plants

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  • Transport in Plants
    • Vascular Tissues
      • In the Stem
        • Xylem is found towards the inside of each vascular bundle and phloem towards the outside of the bundle
        • vascular bundles are found near the outer edge of the stem
          • in woody plants the bundles are separate in young stems and become continuous in older stems
            • there is a complete ring just under the bark of the tree - providing strength and flexability
          • in non woody plants the bundles are separate and discrete
        • Cambium is between the Xylem and Phloem. It is a layer of meristem cells that divide to produce new Xylem and Phloem
      • In the young root
        • around the vascular bundle is a special sheath of cells called the endodermis - which plays a key role in getting water into the xylem vessels
        • Xylem is a large central core, often in an X shape
        • inside the endodermis is a layer of meristem cells called the pericycle
          • they remain able to divide
      • In the Leaf
        • a dicotyledon leaf has a branching network of veins that get smaller as they spread away from the midrib. Within each vein, the xylem can be seen on top of the phloem
        • vascular bundles from the midrib and veins of a leaf. There are 2 major groups of flowering plants, dicotyledons and monocotyle-dons
          • names based on the number of first leaves they have
    • Transport System
      • all living things take substances from their environment and return wastes to their environment
      • in a large multicellular plant the epithelial cells are close enough to the supply that they can gain all they need by simple diffusion
        • many cells are inside the plant that are further from the supply - they would not receive enough water or nutrients to survive
      • roots can obtain water easily, but not sugars and leaves can make sugars but cannot obtain water
    • Vascular Tissues
      • bundles often contain other types of tissues that give the bundle strength and support the plant
      • distributed through-out the plant. Xylem and Phloem are found together in vascular bundles


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