Top 5 Larkin Poems Thesis Statements

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  • Top 5 Larkin Poems - Thesis Statements
    • Whitsun Weddings- Describes a train journey shared by the persona with several newly married couples during which the persona reflects on the human desire + expectation of marriage. Themes; Journeys,  Expectations vs Reality, Relationships, Loneliness + Nature.
    • Dockery and Son- Describes the speakers visit to his old university which urges him to reflect on his failed attempt at a successful life compared to Dockery's success. Themes; Death, Failure,Freedom, Journeys + Familial Relationships
    • An Arundel Tomb- A which depicts the graven image of a medieval couple + considers what happens to identities in death. Themes; Love, Death + Mortality, Time.
    • Here- Is a poem which describes a geographical journey from town to coast + a mental journey from oppression to freedom,   Themes;  Journeys + Place, Nature, Loneliness.
    • MCMXIV- Is partly a reflection of the influence war had on society and is also a meditation on time, history and change. Themes; England/ Nation, Death, History,Innocence + Conflict.


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