The Tyger

  • Created by: Poppy
  • Created on: 09-03-13 21:41
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  • The Tyger
    • "Tyger Tyger, burning bright"
      • "Tyger" can be interpreted to be symbolising the devil who is "burning bright". This may mean that the Devil is fuming with anger and can express its feelings at the night. The repetition of "Tyger" and the alliteration use; "burning bright" at the beginning of the poem emphasises on how dangerous and experiences this poem is. It can also be interpreted to be there to show a sense of foreboding.
      • Untitled
    • "In the forest of the night"
      • The "Tyger" (which symbolises the devil) only appears at the night. This creates a sinister tone/image. At night all bad spirits and evil take place.
    • "Distant deep", "Skies" and "fire"
      • Lexical field of hell. Blake uses these negative words to describe the society. Perhaps he is trying to emphasise how corrupt the society becomes once it undergoes industrialisation. Society becomes hell-like.
    • "What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain?"
      • Blake is describing the smithies here. The mechanical tone and aspect of the poem is referring to industrialisation. Those who are at the top of the hierarchy think about nothing but exploitation.
    • "Did he who made the Lamb made thee"
      • Blake is questioning whether God created evil just like how he created angels (Lamb reflects the good and innocent spirits).


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