The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  • Created by: Connie1.
  • Created on: 11-05-14 11:12
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  • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
    • Form
      • Ballad
        • Gives us the idea that a dramatic story is about to play out
        • Repetition "The ice was here the Ice was there/ The ice was all around"
          • He does this to get the point across and draw attention to it
            • It also shows where in the there are changes of dirrection
              • Surrounded could say they are trapped
      • ABCB rhyming scheme
        • draws attention to the lyrics without breaking the flow of the poem
    • Untitled
    • Symbols
      • Albatros
        • Metaphor for Jesus. Its their salvation but also its saccrifced
          • Something is stopping them from getting to the light. Praying for redemption?
            • The oncoming ship makes the sun look like a prisoner to them
              • God is a prisoner? Or perhaps death is the prison life (sun gives us light)
          • God is watching over the terrible act that they are about to commit
            • Perhaps he sent the albatros just like he sent Jesus
          • Showing how beastly humans are
      • Sun, stars and the moon
        • "Betwixt us and the sun"
          • Something is stopping them from getting to the light. Praying for redemption?
            • The oncoming ship makes the sun look like a prisoner to them
              • God is a prisoner? Or perhaps death is the prison life (sun gives us light)
        • "the white Moon-shine"
          • White suggests something pure, sign that even though its dark God is still watching
            • God is watching over the terrible act that they are about to commit
              • Perhaps he sent the albatros just like he sent Jesus
      • Weather
        • "The furrow followed free"
          • The only bit of good weather during the whole poem
            • Alliteration of the "f" makes the stanza even more light hearted, perhaps to either highlight it or to highlight the danger around it
        • "o'ertaking wings... chased us south along"
          • metaphor for strong wings
            • Bird of prey suggesting perhaps that they will become a victim, foreshadowing
        • "The bloody sun"
          • Nature turning on the due to the fact that they killed an animal that saved them
            • "Bloody" foreshadowing deaths of shipman
    • Untitled
    • Themes
      • Pride
        • He shoots the bird to create a trophy for getting them out of the bad situation they were in
          • He believes he is above nature when actually nature is above him
            • As something natural got him out of the bad situation
      • Supernatural
        • "Are those her ribs through which the Sun did peer"
          • Ribs being like bars, the light is held captive by death
            • "Peer" light has seen them and yet is not going to help them
      • Suffering
        • Killed the bird and then death came
        • "The souls did from their bodies fly"
          • This is the end of suffering
            • "souls" they still have their souls so they are good?
              • not to blame for the albatrosses death, perhaps God is trying to save them from the long and painful death of dehydration
      • Transformation
        • The crew are only interested in themselves and so misinterpret why shooting the albatros was a bad thing
          • The crew is then visited by Death
    • Untitled
  • "The bloody sun"
  • "And every tongue, through utter drought, was withered at the root"


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