The Dark Side Of The Family Mind Map

  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 17-02-13 12:02
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  • The Dark Side Of The Family
    • Functionalist  View - Does not acknowledge the 'dark side of the family'
    • Feminist View - Sees violence as a way of maintaining patriarchy and controlling women
    • The family is usually seen as a positive institution. New Right thinkers support a nuclear family ideology which provides support and socialisation
    • For some the family is a dangerous place because of things like domestic violence and child abuse
    • The Home Office - Defines domestic violence as 'any violence between current or former partners in an intimate relationship wherever and whenever it occurs
    • Sclater - Often difficult to categorise behaviours like psychological abuse and manipulation as  domestic violence
    • Nearly 1 million women experience at least one incident of domestic abuse each year
    • At least  750,000 children a year witness domestic violence
    • Two women are killed each week by their partner or ex-partner
    • Official Statistics - Domestic Violence has rose considerably between 1981 and 1996, although it has gradually declined since then
      • These figures may underestimate the rue extent of domestic violence and abuse since many victims are unwilling to admit that it has taken place
    • Nazroo - Domestic Violence carried out by men tends to be more serious then by women
      • These figures may underestimate the rue extent of domestic violence and abuse since many victims are unwilling to admit that it has taken place
  • The family is usually seen as a positive institution. New Right thinkers support a nuclear family ideology which provides support and socialisation




Awesome mind map...Very Useful

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