The supernatural/ the witches

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  • The supernateral/ The witches
    • Lady Macbeths relation to the witches
      • "double, double toil and trouble/ fire burn and cauldron bubble."
        • trochaic tetrameter with rhymed couplets
          • silly to modern audiences
          • set them apart from other characters dialogue
        • "fire" and "trouble" adjectives
          • sound frightening
      • "not so happy yet much happier"
        • paradox
          • makes them sound confusing
          • they are to blames for Macbeths fate and the killings he preforms as he is confusion
      • "come"
        • imperative verb
          • mirrors the witches tone (fourth witch)
          • demanding language
          • feels as though she has control over the witches
    • characters reactions to the witches
      • "you should be women yet your beards forbid me interpret"
        • model verb "should"
          • The witches dont represent one gender showing how even though they are women they have the strength of men making them very powerful
          • Banquo is questioning towards the witches whereas Macbeth isn't
      • "are ye fantastical"
        • adjective
          • even begins to question his mental state before trusting the witches
      • "stay you imperfect speaker"
        • imperative verb
          • believes he can control the witches however they soon disappear showing that they are stronger than Macbeth
          • shows his lust for power and how he relies on the witches to get this power- true colours
        • Adjective
          • again shows how he acknowledges that they are different
    • evil and powerful
      • "thunder"
        • pathetic fallacy
          • links to danger and immoral actions
            • foreshadows the evil to come
          • ominous tone- Macbeth killing spree is accompanied by unnatural occurances
            • the witches are to blame for the murders
      • structure
        • constant triad structure
          • the first witch speaks... they all speak
        • cumulative effect
          • their unity and power they have togeth
          • foreshadows their power to determine fate.
          • they are the string pullers of the play- disturbing as we know it will be a tragedy


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