Operating Systems

  • Created by: Georgia
  • Created on: 17-11-17 12:31
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  • The Operating System
    • Core Roles
      • Communication with the hardware
      • creating a user interface
        • User Interface
          • Allows a user to interact with the computer
          • GUIs
            • Most common
            • Designed to be easy for everyday users
            • Visual, interactive and intuitive
            • aka. Graphical User Interfaces
            • Optimized for specific input methods
              • In the past, they have been WIMP-based (windows, icons, menus and pointers), but now some have been designed for touchscreen
          • Command-line interface
            • Text-based
            • The user enters specific commands to complete tasks
            • Less-resource heavy than GUIs
            • Unsuitable for everyday users.
              • Can be very useful to advances users
                • Far more efficient and powerful and can be used to automate processes using scripts.
      • Providing a platform for different applications to run
      • Allow multitasking
        • More than one program runs at one time
            • The OS doles out time to different applications so it appears they're happening at the same time
        • The OS doles out time to different applications so it appears they're happening at the same time
      • Manages peripherals
      • Utility software
        • Also organised hard disk with utility software
      • Many Pesky Operating Systems Collect In My Umbrella
      • Organises file and disk management
        • File and Disk Managment
          • File extensions are used to tell the computer which software to use to open the file
            • Examples of File Extensions
              • .jpg
              • .mp3
              • .mpeg
          • The organisation of data into a usable hierarchical structure
            • Also deals with the movement, editing and deletion of data
          • OS decides which sector to write data to
            • Also organised hard disk with utility software
          • OS keeps track of free spaces
    • Devices Drivers
      • Used to communicate with internal hardware or peripherals connected to the computer
      • Ever piece of hardware requires one.
      • Acts as a translator for signal between OS and hardware
      • Updates may be installed manually or automatically
      • When a computer boots up the OS will choose the dorrect DD for the hardware
    • User Interface
      • Allows a user to interact with the computer
      • GUIs
        • Most common
        • Designed to be easy for everyday users
        • Visual, interactive and intuitive
        • aka. Graphical User Interfaces
        • Optimized for specific input methods
          • In the past, they have been WIMP-based (windows, icons, menus and pointers), but now some have been designed for touchscreen
      • Command-line interface
        • Text-based
        • The user enters specific commands to complete tasks
        • Less-resource heavy than GUIs
        • Unsuitable for everyday users.
          • Can be very useful to advances users
            • Far more efficient and powerful and can be used to automate processes using scripts.
    • File and Disk Managment
      • File extensions are used to tell the computer which software to use to open the file
        • Examples of File Extensions
          • .jpg
          • .mp3
          • .mpeg
      • The organisation of data into a usable hierarchical structure
        • Also deals with the movement, editing and deletion of data
      • OS decides which sector to write data to
        • OS keeps track of free spaces
      • User Accounts
        • Single User
          • i.e Windows
          • One-user to use the computer at once
        • Multiuser
          • i.e UNIX server
          • Multiple users on the computer at once
            • Simultaneous access
          • Often on mainframes
        • Allow different users to be granted access to specific data
        • Can be password or pin protected to prevent data theft
          • Some have fingerprint or retina scanners


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