The nature of humanity by Juliska

  • Created by: juliska
  • Created on: 24-11-18 19:42
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  • The Nature of humanity
    • Genesis teaches that God created human beings in his image.
      • This does not mean that they look like God, but that they have free will, reason and a conscience. They are capable of self-knowledge, and have the freedom to choose between good and evil.
    • Teachings reminds Catholics that:
      • Each human being is special, unique and sacred in God's sight.
      • Humans are more than animals and are not to be used as objects.
      • Humans have fundamental human rights such as freedom of conscience and expression, a right to food, shelter and health care.
    • Humanity's relationships with creation.
      • Being made in the image of God gives human a huge responsibility to care the planet God has made rather than spoil it.
      • The Catholic Church teaches that Christians should regard the whole of creation as a gift from God to be used by humans in the way in which God intended. God has given humans control of the Earth and its resources  (deminion), but only as God's stewards responsible for completing the work of creation.
      • Stewardship means that Christians have a responsibility to:
        • Look after God's creation and pass it on to future generations in a better state than they received it.
        • Make sure creation is not exploited by humans, resulting in such things as pollution.
        • Make sure that the earth's resources are shared out fairly.
        • Make sure that humans treat God's creation fairly and harmoniously.
    • Different understanding of humanity's relationships with creation.
      • Humanists do not believe in God and are non-religious. They believe in reason and science and that moral principles can be worked out in terms of what will make life better for everyone.
        • Reasons and science teach them that people need to care for and look after the planet so that it can provide for further generations.
      • Other non-religious people think people should work to preserve the environment for the further; others think the world is to be enjoyed by people however they are.
    • Sources of wisdom and authority
      • The CCC states that being in the image of God means that humans have dignity because they are not a thing, they are a person.
      • Genesis 1 says that God gave humans control of the living things on the Earth.
      • The Catechism says that humanity's control of nature is limited by God requiring them to preserve the environment and care for their neighbours.


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