the munich putsch - 1923

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  • the Munich putsch - 1923
    • why did it happen?
      • invasion of the ruhr
      • general workers' strike
      • no money was being made
        • as a result, the government printed more money, which in turn led to hyperinflation
      • many Nazis and nationalists were angry as they thought it showed Germany as weak and giving into France / Belgium
    • what happened?
      • 08/11/1923 - a meeting of the Bavarian government was held
      • 600 SA soldiers and Hitler marched into the hall
      • Hitler held the local government at gunpoint until they agreed to support the nazis
      • Hitler left the leaders, and they rang the national government to warn them
      • the next day, Hitler was unwilling to march - but did so anyway.
      • as they marched, shots were fired. Hitler fled and Ludendorff was arrested
      • Hitler was arrested two days later
      • Hitler used his trial as free publicity
    • Failures of the Munich Putsch for the Nazis
      • showed the lack of organisation in the Nazi party
      • many members were arrested
      • the party suffered while Hitler was in jail
      • death and violence put some people off the Nazis
      • the main aim - to overthrow the government - was not achieved
    • successes of the Munich Putsch for the Nazis
      • Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in prison - which later became a best seller
      • Made an impact - the trial gained publicity and increased numbers
      • no punishment for many of the Nazis included
      • showed that those in high power (the judges) were Nazi supporters
      • scared the government
      • showed that the government was weak without an army
      • generated awareness of the Nazis at a national level


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