The Cold War in the 40s

  • Created by: CG24601
  • Created on: 13-05-19 18:53
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  • the 40s
    • 1943 Tehran
      • discussed post-war Germany
    • 1945 Yalta
      • high point
      • decided fate of Germany, USSR to join war with Japan, reparations and Polish borders
      • set foundations for the UN
    • 1945 Potsdam
      • Attlee and Truman new leaderships, suspicion
      • essentially finalised Yalta
    • 1946 Iron Curtain
      • 'an iron curtain has descended over Europe'
      • Churchill comments on the ideology divide and the Soviet occupation of Europe
    • 1947 Truman Doctrine
      • aid to Turkey and Greece
      • aid to any country wanting to avoid communism
    • 1948 Marshall Plan
      • economic aid to help rebuild after war
    • Cominform and Comecon
      • Cominform information bureau of the Communist and Worker's parties
      • Comecon Soviet response to Marshall plan
    • Berlin Blockade
      • Stalin salty about Trizonia, cuts all routes into West Berlin
      • West airdrops supplies
      • Started in 1948, ended 1949, lasted 11 months


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