The Charge Of The Light Brigade

  • Created by: sky1234
  • Created on: 17-11-18 15:31
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  • The Charge Of The Light Brigade - Language
    • "half a league"
      • the repetition emphasises how far and difficult their journey was
      • emphasises continuity of forward motion
      • creating a rhythm of horses gallop
    • "the valley of death"
      • juxtaposition of valley and death.
        • valley is supposed to give life.
      • foreshadowing death
      • this creates a warning to the reader that something bad is going to happen
    • "into the jaws of death, the mouth of hell"
      • personification shows inescapability of death
      • These images personify death and hell and make them seem like monsters that the soldiers can't escape from - it reflects the fear of the soldiers.
      • "death" and "hell" has a semantic field of death
      • it creates an ominous mood and the fact that there is no escape from their fate as they are powerless to act against the Russians who have access to military weapons whereas the soldiers only have sabres which emphasises their frailty as their fate is determined
      • Tennyson exaggerates the futility and the bravery of the soldiers that they are going to die despite the fact that they are fighting in a courageous manner
      • makes it look like a monster- no escape
    • "noble six hundred!"
      • adjective "noble" indicates a progression in terms of how the six hundred are thought of- they are admired greatly for their efforts.
      • creates imagery of bravery
      • their loyalty to Britain shows their bravery as many people may not be willing to fight
      • the use of exclamation mark shows the depth and emotion of soldiers
      • the use of the exclamation mark creates an effect on "noble six hundred". this shows how brave they are
    • "rode the six hundred"
      • repetition: continuity of motion-riding forward. Also creates a sense of impending doom
      • tells story of fallen soldiers:willing and courageous throughout poem:bravery continued till the very end
      • "not the six hundred"
        • repetition of "not" emphasises their bravery
        • the repetition of "not" emphasises their bravery as they fought as much as hey can.
          • this shows that not everyone would be willing to be part of the british troops and figt for Russia
      • the change in repetition of "rode the six hundred" shows the mistake made
      • the speaker focuses on the extensive loss of life in the charge each charge ends with a reference to the "six hundred" to remind the reader the amount of human cost involved.
    • "all the world wondered"
      • the hyperbolic language emphasises the large scale of the mistake
      • why were soldiers sent there without the correct information. this poem is written in response to newspaper articles published in 1854 where they were critical about battle
        • Tennyson on the other hand  was forever on  the bravery of the soldiers rather than criticising the leaders
    • "cannon to"
      • Anaphora - represents ongoing firing and death surrounding the soldiers and their lack of fear despite surrounding threats
      • short consonant 'c' harsh like banging of cannon - anaphora represents soldiers domino death affect-but soldiers still charge
      • monosyllabic-sounds like the fast-paced relentless bombardment of cannons.
      • there is certainty of death.
      • they are trapped - no where to escape
    • "theirs no to"
      • anaphora emphasis of soldiers powerlessness ond sense of duty
    • "stormed at with shot and shell"
      • sibilance makes image more vivid and enacts the sound of the bombs.
      • this boldly contrasts with the scales of odds against them which emphasises their futility. the sibilance emphasises the swiftness of their charge.
      • sibilance highlights the sound of ammunition(supply of bullets and shells)
    • "when can thier glory fade?"
      • rhetorical question highlights nobility and glorifies the soldiers sacrifice.
      • rhetorical question- Tennyson makes it sound dramatic expressing how brave these men were


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