The Brain

  • Created by: Souhincn1
  • Created on: 15-05-19 08:50
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  • The Brain
    • Cerebrum
      • CONTROLS voluntary actions (MILC)
      • Wrinkled to increase SA
      • Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres
      • Surrounded by CEREBRAL CORTEX
      • Muscles controlled  in PRIMARY MOTOR CORTEX.
    • Hypothalamus
      • Osmoregulation
      • Thermoregulation
        • Heat loss centre decreases temp
        • Heat gain centre increases temp
      • Glucoregulation
      • Controls Autonomic NS - Parasympathetic centre & Sympathetic centre
      • Feeding, Sleeping and Aggression
      • Endocrine gland - produces hormones
    • Medulla Oblongata
      • Contains regulatory centres of Autonomic NS
      • Breathing, heart rate, peristalsis and swallowing
      • Cardiovascular centre
        • One increase s HR
        • One decreases HR
    • Pituitary Gland
      • Posterior  - stores/releases hormones made in hypothalamus(ADH)
      • Anterior - produces FSH
    • Cerebellum
      • CO-ORDINATES posture and balance
      • Relays information to motor region of cerebral cortex


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