The American West

  • Created by: GCSE 9
  • Created on: 15-03-17 19:17
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  • The American West
    • The Plains
      • Flat
      • Lack of water
      • Extreme Weather
    • Tipi
      • Crucial to survival of the indians
      • Made of Buffalo Skin and held together with pegs
      • Owned by the women in the tribe (even after divorce)
      • Took 10 minutes to take down
      • In winter a fire was in the centre and the floor was covered with buffalo fur
      • Decorated with tribal paintings of wars, hunts, acts of bravery
    • Family Life
      • Most Indians lived within bands of 10 (50 families)
      • Polygamy existed because of a lot of men dying in war, all women needed to be cared for
    • Role of Men
      • Hunt
      • Look after horses
      • Protect women and children
      • Young men would impress women with hunting skills, bravery, stealing horses to show love and ability to provide for family
    • Women
      • Expected to have skills in craft and making good home
      • Make food and collect water
      • Highly respected as child bearers




my friend does this, she said "wow"

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