Tennessee Williams Critics

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  • Tennessee Williams Critics
    • “The women in Williams’ play are portrayed as very dependent creatures with a variety of characteristics, each in their own very different but all three tied by the constraints of society.” - Niki Fellows
    • "a parable of the changing American dream and its effects on masculinity, which in turn affects the structure of the family and the lives of women" - Claire Nicolay
    • “These plays encompass an unrelenting exploration of the dark underbelly of human experience” - Nasrullah Mambrol
    • "Williams’s deliberate elision of homosexual and heterosexual concerns also helps to demonstrate the oppressive state of American patriarchy" - Claire Nicolay
    • "Williams freely combines realistic and symbolic elements in order to maximize theatricality, in some cases at the expense of literal truth" - David Radavich
    • "Williams wrote about loneliness, frustration, and the desperate need for communication by people who are society’s misfits" - Kelli Frost
    • "Williams’s signature themes of desperate longing for love and rescue, coupled with a sense of despair and marginalization, find full voice" - David Radavich
    • “I have no need to disguise the sexual nature of my characters…Sexuality is a part of my work, of course, because sexuality is a part of my life” - Tennessee Williams


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