Teleological argument

  • Created by: emeliah
  • Created on: 17-02-17 19:43
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  • Teleological Argument
    • For
      • Aquinas fifth way
        • Innate objects are perfectly ordered but don't have the intellect to do so themselves so something else must have designed them
        • Arrow analogy
          • If you see an arrow flying through the air, you will conclude that it has been shot by someone
            • The arrow lacks awareness and so can only perform a purpose is if something with awareness (the archer) directs it
        • Strengths
          • Uses real world examples
          • Simple & easy to comprehend
          • Answers the main teleological questions
          • Applicable to everyone
        • Weaknesses
          • Arrow analogy relies on the universe being goal orientated
          • All dependant on our experience of the universe
      • William Paley
        • The watch analogy
          • only a watchmaker can understand the principles behind how its made
            • the watch is not always perfect- the same as the world is not perfect
              • the watchmaker existed at some time or place
        • impossible to believe that something so complex is due to chance
        • not necessary to understand how it was made but only how it was deigned
        • Strengths
          • Analogy makes it clear and easy to understand
        • Weaknesses
          • Doesn't address why we need to understand how it was made
          • Can't adress modern counter arguments such as evolution
      • Richard Swinburne
        • The amount of factors that are perfect imply there must be a designer
        • In nature and evolution so much could have gone wrong but hasn't
        • The universe seems like such an ideal place to live that it must have been designed
        • We find the world beautiful as it was made for us
        • Weaknesses
          • Relies on our belief that the universe is perfect
          • Assumes evolution can't take place without a God
      • FR Tennant
    • Against
      • Richard Dawkin
        • Argues against belief as it encourages people not to think and attribute unexplained things to God- people are satisfied with not knowing
        • There is no design- only natural selection and evolution
      • David Hume
        • 1-Limited experince is not sufficient to come to conclusions about the creation of the world
        • 2-If the universe was designed, theres nothing to say it was god. Could have been the work of multiple Gods or a first attempt
        • 3-World isn't perfect but people believe God is perfect so there is no link to the designer and god
        • 4-God is supposed to be beyond human understanding so it makes no sense to use human terms such as the watch analogy- this analogy suggests multiple gods rather than a supreme one
        • 5-Bad analogy to liken the world to a machine as it is natural - makes more sense to say it grew by itself rather than being constructed
    • Doesn't explain the designer of God or why God doesn't have a designer


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