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  • Supply
    • the ability and willingness to provide a good or service at a particular price at a given monent in time
    • PES
      • responsivness of supply to a chnage in price of a good - %change in quantity supplied/% change in price
        • factors affecting PES
          • time - short term - inelastic, long term - more elastic
          • factors of production - if lots of trainig needed - inelastic
          • ease of entry - if hard - inealstic
          • avaivability of subsitiues - lots - elastic
    • curve is upwards becamse - if prices are higher firms will increase production to take advatages of high profits
      • encourages new firms to enter - output will increase
        • use up more resources - raise costs - assumes cost of producing a unit increases as output increases
    • conditions of supply
      • costs of production - if a business has  increase in their costs they will put prices up - shift to left, decrease in costs - shift to right
      • weather
      • goals of supplier - welfare - increase supply
        • gov legislation
      • taxes and subsidies  -tax decreases suppy, subsidies increase supply
  • curve is upwards becamse - if prices are higher firms will increase production to take advatages of high profits
    • encourages new firms to enter - output will increase
      • use up more resources - raise costs - assumes cost of producing a unit increases as output increases


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