
  • Created by: erin18o
  • Created on: 15-05-22 10:14
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  • sundarbans
    • environmental importance
      • home to endangered species e.g Bengal tiger, as land decreases, amount of tigers decreases. Wildlife refuge areas have been created.
      • the sundarbans protect coast from storm surges, research says: absorbs 40% of cyclones power
    • economic importance
      • the wood (timber) supply is crucial for locals and industry. furniture and fuel.
      • plays a vital roles in economy for India and Bangladesh
      • the forest provides work for rural people
      • one of Bangladesh's main exports is jute, and jute goods, which is mainly harveted from the sundarbans
      • supplies Bangladesh with honey
      • Fishsing, in Bangladesh, the shrimp industry made $500 million (US) between 2012-2013,  also provides direct employment to 3-5 million people in bangladesh.
      • UNESCO has declared 28% of the sundarbans as a world heritage site, this land is used for ecotourism, promoting the sundarbans,  money to protect the area. money to countries as well.
    • social importance
      • locals are dependent on the forest - water, fish, honey. so no sundarbans, no livelyhood
      • many people have already have to move from their homes, as water takes over their land.
      • home to many people, rising sea level lead to all habitable land being submerged.
    • natural caused challenges
      • Surprisingly, coastal erosion is not the main problem the local population faces
      • coastal flooding, usually saline water flooding, which has worse effects than fresh water flooding, this destroys crops, loss in agric, and loss in livelihood,
        • Non governmental organisations run educational programmes encourage farmers to be eco-friendly + prepare for natural disast
          • Planning and preparation can significantly reduce the severity of natural disasters.
      • coastal flooding due to cyclones, loss of agriculute + wildlife
        • NGO’s distribute water-tight containers to store precious belongings and important documents.
      • Due to a decline in farming jobs, it is thought that around 60 per cent of the male workforce are moving away from the area. Some have moved to other areas of India, such as Kerala, while others have moved on to the mining industry in Mauritius.
      • due to limit it farming land people are forced to go to forest to find honey, fish or collect crab - they put themselves at risk to tigers
        • If wives are widowed, they often face very limited opportunities because the Sundarban is a male-dominated society.
    • human caused challenges
      • high silt content rivers
        • deforestation leads to soil erosion leads to more silt. this sediment flows down mountains and ends up in sundarbans delta
        • increase in amount of silt, mangroves cant grow in areas with high silt content. leaves coast more vunerable
      • decrease in usable land/destruction of land
        • temporary fishing camps are made every season by locals so make sure there is a supply of fish to sell to locals, these fishing camps are responsible for destruction of 7,500 hectares of mangrove forest.
        • arable land now being flooded by saline water so cant grow plants or let mangroves grow
        • agriculture activities in the sundarbans destroyed 17,00 hectares of forest in just 30 years
      • animal extinction, there is a ban, people still hunt. Javan rhinoceros and water buffalo are one of the five local mammals extinct. unregulated shrimp farming,
    • animal santactries (cs), people arent eaten by tigers and environment not ruined, However, this is not working as the population pressure grows and farming land in settlements needs to be used for homes.


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