Structures and Bonding

  • Created by: Jadii
  • Created on: 04-11-13 17:36
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  • Structures and Bonding
    • Giant lattice
      • Ionic
        • Compounds of metals with non-metals
          • Contains ions
          • High melting and boiling point
          • Often soluble in water
          • Hard but brittle
      • Covalent network
        • Group 4 elements and their compounds
        • insoluble
        • Atoms
        • Very high
      • Metallic
        • Metals
        • Generally high melting and boiling point (except mercury)
          • Malleable
        • Insoluble but some react
    • Covalent molecular
      • Simple molecular
        • Some non-metal elements and some non-metal/non-metal compounds
        • Small molecules
        • Weak intermolecular bonds between molecules
        • Strong covalent bonds between the atoms within molecules
        • Low melting and boiling point, soft and do not conduct, usually insoluble


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