Structure and Bonding

  • Created by: Amee204
  • Created on: 15-05-19 13:58
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  • Structure and Bonding
    • metallic compound
      • has free electrons
        • conducts heat
        • conducts electricity
        • malleable
      • high boiling point
    • giant covalent bonding
      • Examples
        • graphite
          • Uses
            • Lubricant
              • Slippery layers
            • pencil lead
              • layers break easliy
              • Weak intermollecular forces
        • diamonds
          • Uses
            • Jewelry
              • Pretty
            • Cutting Tools
              • hard and sharp
              • doesn't wear down easily
      • usually made of carbon
      • high boiling points
    • Ionic compound
      • made of ions
        • positive and negative attract
        • gain/lose electrons
      • in liquid form
        • conducts electricity
      • high boiling point
    • covalent bonding
      • low boiling point
      • water
      • share electrons


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