Theme 2: Stalin FYPs and Industrial Change

  • Created by: ARQ
  • Created on: 23-05-22 11:37
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  • Stalin: 5 Year Plans + Industrial Change
    • Reasons
      • Ideological
        • Abolish capitalism and lay foundations for a socialist system
      • Economical
        • NEP failed to further industrialise
      • Political
        • Abolishing capitalism: won support of Party's left-wing
    • Launched "Revolution from above" 1928
      • Ended NEP and introduced a command economy
        • An economy where government controls production
    • 5 Year Plans formulated by Gosplan
      • List of targets
      • Accompanied with heavy propaganda to inspire workers
    • Aims
      • Increase heavy industry
        • Investment into iron + steel factories, oil wells, coalmines
        • Neglected consumer goods
      • 1936 also prioritise rearmament
        • Neglected consumer goods
    • Results of his first 3 FYPs
      • Heavy industry
        • The biggest success
        • Electrical output increased x10
        • Coal and steal increased x5
        • Iron production increased x3
      • Transport infrastructure grew
        • Metro lines opened 1935
        • Moscow-Volga Canal opened 1937
      • Labour productivity
        • 1st 5YP: very low
        • "Stakhanovite" ideal worker propaganda campaign
          • Increased productivity for most workers
            • 30% increase in major industries
            • But still behind US, France, Germany
      • Quality
        • Factory managers awarded for quantity rather than quality
          • Low quality produce
      • Rearmamenta success
        • 1940, 1/3 gov spending funded the military
        • Built 9 military aircraft factories between 1939-41
      • Economy inefficient
        • Gosplan did not make plans for the use of materials
          • 40% of produce wasted
        • Poor transport + coordination
          • 40% of produce wasted
      • Plans undermined by unrealistic targets
        • Gosplan officials did not know the size of the factories nor how much they could produce
        • Managers lied about productivity to avoid punishment
          • Falsified, inaccurate data made planning harder
            • Unrealistic plans
  • Ideological
    • Abolish capitalism and lay foundations for a socialist system


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