
  • Created by: MH14.x
  • Created on: 07-06-19 20:30
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  • Stakeholders
    • Managers
      • Want bonuses and long term success
        • Pay, growth and power
    • Owners/Shareholders
      • Want profits and return on investments
        • Profit, dividend and growth
    • Suppliers
      • Want regular orders
        • Larger orders and business sucess
    • Government
      • Low unemployment and competitive markets
        • Competition and tax revenue
    • Pressure Groups
      • Want to influence business decisions and actions
        • Socially responsible and ethical business behaviour
    • Customers
      • Want value for money
        • Fair price, choice and good quality
    • Local Community
      • Wants local investment and limited pollution
        • Jobs and clean environment
    • Employees
      • Want good pay and working conditions
        • Wages, job security and good conditions


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