Sociology 3.1

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  • Childhood 3.1
    • Cross-cultural differences
      • Separate age status isn't universal. E.g. child soldiers and child labour
      • Punch = Studied children in Bolivia and found that from the age of 5 they were expected to work at home and in the community without question or hesitation
      • Strenghts - Suported by International Labour Organisation
      • Ethnocentricity and outdated as it was conducted in 2015
      • Western notions of childhoods are being globalised. the Western norms of childhood are: a separate life stage, venerable, dependent and have no economic role
      • Campaigns e.g. street children are trying to improve this
    • Historical differences in childhood
      • Philippe Aries - Children in the middles ages. Childhood didn't exist when infants were through the state of physical dependency, they were seen as similar to adults. Children contribute to work seen as miniature adults. Law saw no differences
      • Neil Postman - Printing press = Childhood didn't exist in medieval times, there was no privacy or individual identity. Info spread through town speakers as people were illiterate. There was no emotional attachment with parent and child. Printing press kept harmful info away from children as they were illiterate - childhood was constructed through literature.
    • The future of childhood
      • Neil Postman - childhood is disappearing due to they having the same rights as adults.
        • Traditional unsupervised games are going. Clothing for adults and children is the same. TV blurs childhood and adulthood as it destroys the informational hierarchy.
      • Jenks - argues against Postman and knows it's changing as we move from modernity to postmodernity. Adults are more concerned for their childs security and protect them from abuse.
        • Childhood continues to be a sperate age status but society makes it change.


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