Sociologists for the Role of the Education

  • Created by: shannon01
  • Created on: 17-03-19 20:28
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  • Sociologists for the Role of the Education System.
    • Functionalism
      • Secondary Socialisation: Education passes on core values.
      • Role Allocation: Education sorts people into the appropriate jobs.
        • DAVIS AND MOORE: every society sorts its members into  different positions.
          • "Position of Stratification"- system of unequal rewards (e.g. more money) to motivate people to train for top positions.
      • Skill Provision: Education teaches the skills needed in work, and by the economy.
      • Meritocracy: the Education System is meritocratic, which means social rewards are allocated by talent and effort, not social position.
        • Marxists would argue that the Education System is not meritocratic.
          • Evidence in terms of class, gender and ethnicity.
        • Functionalists ignore the negative aspects of Education, e.g. the impact of bullying, or the constriction of class.
        • Doesn't look at conflict in society- e.g. how the Education System serves the interest of the R/C.
        • Material and cultural capital can be seen as more important in  education, therefore role allocation is not working properly.
    • Marxism
      • Corresponde-nce Theory: children= workers, teachers= boss. School reflects workplace.
        • BOWLES AND GINTIS: education prepares children for the world of work.
          • Education teaches pupils to accept hierarchy.
          • Public motivated by grades to do work, in the working world they're motivated by money.
          • Pupils are taught to do what they are told.
          • Links to class: W/C students may not do as well in school, reflects in the working world.
            • Myth of Meritocracy: believe that the Education System is not meritocratic, but is based on class/ status in society.
          • Taught through the 'hidden curriculum'.
      • Reproduces class inequality: M/C use their material and cultural capital to ensure that their children get into the best schools and the top sets, meaning they get the best jobs.
        • ALTHUSSER: Education formed part of the ‘ideological state apparatus’.
          • Education makes children unaware of exploitation and this makes them easy to control.
          • Education outlines that Capitalism is just and reasonable, and best way of organising society.
          • Schools encourage pupils to  accept their future roles, and produce a compliant and obedient workforce.
            • Links to "hidden curriculum"-  Bowles and Gintis.
        • GIROUX: Marxist  theory is too deterministic. He argues that working class pupils are not entirely molded by the capitalist system, and do not accept everything
          • PAUL WILLIS: (neo-Marxist)  looked at 12 W/C boys' attitude to school. Concluded that pupils rebelling is evidence that not all pupils are passive, subordinate people ("hidden curriculum").
            • Therefore, not all pupils are 'brainwashed' with the values and norms that benefit the ruling class, some actively reject these.
              • However,  Willis still believes that this counter-school culture still produces workers who are easily exploited by their future employers
              • W/C boys believed that manual jobs were 'proper jobs'-  meaning they were still getting the lower paid jobs.
        • Some W/C kids don't accept their role- can work harder than what's expected from them in education.


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