social psychology - dysfunctional family evaluation

  • Created by: Elyseee
  • Created on: 24-01-21 15:12
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  • dysfunctional family evaluation
    • Cause or effect
      • Studies highlight communication difficulties in families with individuals with schizophrenia - not all studies found significant difference in quality of communication in families with individuals with schizophrenia
      • Liem 1974 - communication in a structured task with parents of schizophrenic children was no more disordered than those without schizophrenic children
      • Liem suggests that studies that found a difference in communication may have detected parents having to adapt their communication style to deal with a schizophrenic child
      • Suggests that double bind theory could be an effect of schizophrenia
    • Where do double blind communications come from
      • Koopmans 1997 - incidental variations in family interactions that that have had little effect may lead to double binds in times of disruption
      • Although this is an attempt at offering an origin, there is little evidence to support this
      • They may be a symptoms of pathology in the parent, meaning pathology is the greater problem
      • A greater understanding of the origin of double binds is needed for it to be a sound explanation of schizophrenia
    • Research support for expressed emotion
      • Vaughn and Leff 1976 - 53% of individuals with schizophrenia that had high EE relative relapsed within 3 months, compared to only 12% of those with low EE relatives
      • Not all research has supported EE as a predictor of relapse
      • McCreadie and Phillips 1998 - failed to find subsequent 6 and 12 month relapse rates among individuals living in high EE homes
      • Suggests that EE levels may be a significant factor for some with relapse, but it is not the only factor that determines relapse.
    • Shared environment or shared genes
      • When explaining schizophrenia using families, we must consider that while it is possible schizophrenia is due to communication difficulties in the family environment, it could also be due to shared family genes
      • SWGPGC 2014 - found 108 genetic loci associated with schizophrenia
      • Diathesis-stress model could suggest that family relationships can serve as a psychological trigger causing the genetically vulnerable to develop schizophrenia
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