Social Influence

  • Created by: Tiddles99
  • Created on: 17-04-17 19:31
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  • Social Influence
    • Conformity
      • Zimbardo
        • Aim
          • To see if people will conform to new social roles
        • Method
          • Participants randomly allocated to 2 groups: prisoners + guards.Prisoners to spend 23 hours a day locked in cells for 2 weeks. Guards given uniforms etc. worked shifts
        • Results
          • Called off after 6 days. 2 prisoners had nervous breakdown, 1 developed rash, 1 went on hunger strike. Prisoners did as they were told
        • Conclusion
          • They conformed to social roles. Guards showed deindividuation
      • Types
        • Internalisate
          • Conversion or true change of private views
        • identification
          • Temporarily conforming
        • Compliance
          • Publicly conforming, but privately maintaining own views
      • Informational social influence
        • The desire to be right
      • Normative social influence
        • The desire to be liked
      • Asch
        • Aim
          • To investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform
        • Method
          • Using the line judgement task, with obvious answer. Naive participant with 7 confederates. State answer aloud
        • Results
          • 32% participants conformed; 75% conformed once
        • Conclusion
          • Conformed for fear of being ridiculed (normative social influence)
        • Variations
          • Size; Non-conforming role model; Difficulty; Privacy; Status
      • Change of belief or behaviour to fit in with a group
    • Obedience
      • Agentic state
        • People allow others to direct their actions, pass off responsiblity
      • Milgram
        • Aim
          • To investigate obedience to authority figures
        • Method
          • Participants paired with a confederate as teacher and learner. Learner had electrodes attached to them. teacher had shock generator from 15V to 450V. They read words that learner had to remember, if he got it wrong he got a shock, increase voltage each time
        • Results
          • All participants shocked to 300V. 65% went o 450V
        • Conclusion
          • The 'Germans are diferent hypothesis' was false, ordinary people were prepared to obey authority
        • Variations
          • Authority figure in room, Order given in person, Prestigious place, Obedient co-workers, no knowledge of obedience, status, uniform, authoritarian personality
      • Authoritarian Personality
        • Adorno
          • Aim
            • To look at personality factors and identify traits to explain behaviour
          • Method
            • scales developed to measure: antisemitism; ethnocentric; conservatism; fascism (Fscale)
          • Results
            • Positive correlation between authoritarian personality and prejudice
          • Conclusion
            • People develop authoritarian personality through harsh upbringing, creating resentment towards parents, displaced onto minorities
    • Resistance to social influence
      • Social support
        • Increases an individuals confidence that their actions are correct
      • Locus of control
        • Internal
          • believe that what happens results from own behaviour
        • External
          • believe that events in life are caused by external events
    • Minority Influence
      • Consistency
        • Saying the same thing
      • Commitment
        • Engaging in extreme activities
      • Flexibility
        • Being too consistent makes someone seem rigid
    • Social change
      • Rosa Parks
      • Suffragettes
      • Homosexuality


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