Skill Ac

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  • Skill Acquisition
    • Continuas
    • Practice
      • (higher stage) progressive to improve specific aspects
        • Stages of Learning
          • Verbal guidance is only good for an auton. learner as they have an understanding of the skill
            • Guidance
          • A plateau may occur if the cognitive learner isn't motivated
            • This may be because they aren't experiencing much improvement
            • Plateaus
              • Performers must alter the way they practice in order to reduce the chance of a plateau
                • Practice
                  • (higher stage) progressive to improve specific aspects
                    • Stages of Learning
                      • Verbal guidance is only good for an auton. learner as they have an understanding of the skill
                        • Guidance
                      • A plateau may occur if the cognitive learner isn't motivated
                        • This may be because they aren't experiencing much improvement
                        • Plateaus
                          • Performers must alter the way they practice in order to reduce the chance of a plateau
                      • They have mastered certain aspects and may just need to improve upon specific parts
                        • E.g. practicing the hop in the triple-jump
          • They have mastered certain aspects and may just need to improve upon specific parts
            • E.g. practicing the hop in the triple-jump
      • Skill
        • Every skill can be placed on each continua
          • E.g. some skills are more complex or can be split up into more step
          • Continuas
        • Some skills match with other skills which would inc. the chance of a positive transfer
          • Transfer of Learning
            • The coach must ensure that skills are being positively transferred
              • E.g. by removing all bad habits before starting the new skill
              • Feedback
                • The player can get extrinsic feedback through manual/mech guidance
                  • The coach will watch what they are doing and give knowledge of performance to improve upon to skill
                • (cognitive stage) extrinsic/positive/knowledge of result would be the best type of feedback
                  • This is because they don't have a feeling of kinaesthesis
          • E.g. a chest pass in netball would positively transfer to a chest pass in basketball
      • Transfer of Learning
        • The coach must ensure that skills are being positively transferred
          • E.g. by removing all bad habits before starting the new skill
          • Feedback
            • The player can get extrinsic feedback through manual/mech guidance
              • The coach will watch what they are doing and give knowledge of performance to improve upon to skill
            • (cognitive stage) extrinsic/positive/knowledge of result would be the best type of feedback
              • This is because they don't have a feeling of kinaesthesis


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