
  • Created by: darragh
  • Created on: 28-04-14 20:31
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  • Sermon on the plain
    • Background
      • The word Sermon inaccurate in the sense of a particular conversation on one occasion but rather some of Jesus' sayings where details of time & place where not preserved.
        • Based on Matthews Sermon on the Mount. It offers practical advice on how to respond to Jesus and his Preaching
      • Jesus chooses the twelve among his disciples. The twelve represent an extremely important group in Luke's theology of Christian history. In direct continuity with Jesus and his mission + development of early church.
        • The 12 have symbolic value the actual number or apostles fluctuated - foundation of God's new people or faith, or in luke's terms that part of Isreal that has believed in Jesus
    • Beautitudes
      • Jesus teaches that those who are poor and hunger now they really are rich because the kingdom of God belongs to them. Lucan Sermon refeers to those who suffer from actual poverty and hunger not to those MATTHEWS "poor in spirit" or "hunger for righterous. Not simply good simply to be poor or hungry, but to be fortuante tp be dispossed for the sake of the Son Of Man
      • The first charactertisc of the new life is a reversal of worlds values
      • Jesus was being realistic. Knew 12 apostles would go hungry,sleep rough, tired depressed and mocked & death but would be returned with God's kingdom.
      • Luke's Beautitudes are much more simple than matthews.
      • Matthew's beatitudes suggest on what the disciples ought to be, Luke's describe what they actually are.
      • Luke doesn't hesitate to condem riches. Condems the pharaises for their love of money and Zacchaseus had to part with his money to enter heaven.The rich didn't use their wealth to help the needy (Rich man and Lazarus) but hoarded it for themselves. They didn't recognize the source of their gifts so will be poor in the kingdom of God. They didn't feel like they needed god.
      • Luke's idea of weeping didn't mean shedding of sentimental tears but a genuine sorrow for what is wrong with the world;Gods rewards are those who do good with no thought of reward.
      • Jesus doesn't mean that only those who live in these conditions will enter the Kingdom. It is a state to be avoided. God alone can only answer our needs. It is Jesus complete trust in God we need to imitate not essentially his unprivileged background
    • Love for enemies
      • Luke's Gospel shows Jesus as the perfect example upon which we should model.
        • Jesus teaches that real giving only happens when the giver expects nothing in return and even the worst people love those who love back but only with interest
      • The love that jesus expressed was agape, which is best described as acting well to everyone no matter what their actions towards us
      • Other religions teach their followers to avoid harm others. Rabbi Hillel "Don't do unto others what you wouldn't like them to do to you" 1st century. Jesus said it in a positive sense "Treat others as you would like them to treat you"
        • This is often called the Golden Rule, Jesus said to take the extra step if someone slaps your cheek offer them the other one too, Jesus also spoke of not Judging people as the amount you judge will be the amount you will be judged. Jesus showed this by praying for those who crucified him
      • Tolstoy - Jesus' teaching "an impossible ethic"
        • But its better to be too generous than too harsh and before judging we should consider our own faults
  • Jesus chooses the twelve among his disciples. The twelve represent an extremely important group in Luke's theology of Christian history. In direct continuity with Jesus and his mission + development of early church.
    • The 12 have symbolic value the actual number or apostles fluctuated - foundation of God's new people or faith, or in luke's terms that part of Isreal that has believed in Jesus


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