
  • Created by: sophiemai
  • Created on: 17-04-19 14:14
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  • Schizophrenic
    • classification & diagnoses
      • international classifcation of disease- ICD 10; 2 neg symptoms
      • diganostic statistical manual DSM-5; needs 1 pos symptom for a month
      • symptoms
        • positive; hallucinations, delusions
        • negative; alogia, avolition
      • eval; 1- bad reilability 2- bad validity 3- co morbidity 4- gender bias
    • biological explanation
      • dopamine
        • neuro transmitters, hypo/adompaminergia - broca's area - speech - hallucinations
        • eval; 1- ampethamines make it worse 2- anti psychotics make it better 3- real life aplication 4- cause & effect
      • neural corrolates
        • physical brain differences- ventral stratium loss of moviation & gyrus causing hallucinations
        • eval; 1- fMRIs agree 2- helpful in prediagnosis 3- cause & effect 4- not conclusive
      • genetics
        • more genes shared more chance. 48% with MZ twin 46% 2 parents 17% 1 parent candidate gene chromosome 22 - linked to dopamine
        • eval; 1- adopted children proved 2- polygenetic 3- nature vs nurture
    • family dysfunction
      • double binds & schizophrenogenic mothers
        • eval; 1- supporting evidence for EE 2- cause & effect3- gender bias 4- contradictory evidence agaist SZ mothers
    • dysfunctional thought
      • cetral control - filter out excess information & meta representation- inability to undeerstand own voice in head
      • eval; 1- supporting brain functions 2- real life application 3- contrasting evidence 4- causs e& effect
    • drug treatments
      • typical- dopamine antagonist e.g.chloropromazine
        • eval; 1- drug tests support 2- dont help neg symptoms 3- severe side effects e.g. tardive dyskinesia
      • a-typical - mulitple neuro transmitteres targetted e.g. clozapine & risperidrone
        • eval; 1- meta anal supporting 2- effects neg symptoms 3- different side effects
    • CBT
      • cognitive behavioural therapy , aims at enhancing current coping strategies targeting one specfic hallution/ delusion at a time
      • eval; 1- better than nothing 2- cognitive illness = cognitive treatment 3- works with how SZ people cope anyway 4- CBT hard
    • token economy
      • using 2ndry rewarders which can be exchanged for rewards aiming to combat maladaptive behaviours
      • eval; 1- supporting evidence 2- lacking scientific rigour 3- attempts to target neg symp 4- cant use in daily life
    • family therapy
      • psycho education aiming to help suport and understand each other to reduce EE
      • eval; 1- good alongside drugs 2- not everyone has a family 3- not suitable for everyone 4-real life application
    • interactionalist approach
      • diathesis stress model
        • explaining - how a dispositional vunrability with an added stress factor can cause SZ
        • treatment; people already understand its not fully biological equally important to offer drugs and therapy
          • eval; 1- adoption study supports 2- better symp reduction with both treatments 3- holistic pproach 4- hard to know what to fund/research
            • explaining - how a dispositional vunrability with an added stress factor can cause SZ


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