Rossetti poems

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  • Rossetti poems
    • Cousin Kate
    • Maude Clare
      • A Ballad
      • Regular Rhyme Scheme
      • Poetic Techniques
        • Repetition
        • Other Voices
      • Lord Thomas' jilted lover turns up at his wedding. Maude Clare has bought both Thomas and his bride gifts.
      • Starts in the middle of the action - in medias ras
    • A Royal Princess
      • Poetic Techniques
        • Repetition
        • Semantic field
        • Sibilance
        • Listing
        • Juxtoposition
      • Regular Rhyme Scheme
        • Driving force
      • Internal Conflict - External Conflict
      • A Princess is full of self-pity because she's isolated. Then she realises that her people are suffering and steps up to protect them, defying her father in the process
      • Structure
        • Exposition stanza 1
        • Rising Action stanza 21
        • Climactic Point stanza 32
    • Jessie Cameron
      • A willful girl rejects her lover's advances, they argue and the tide overwhelms them.
      • Poetic Techniques
        • Present Participles 'moaning'
        • Repetition
        • Sibilance
        • Other Voices
        • Dialogue
      • Ambiguous Ending
      • last three stanzas are filled with speculation and other' points of view.
    • The Goblin Market
    • An Apple Gathering
      • Regular rhyme scheme
      • Poetic Techniques
        • Pathetic fallacy
        • Symbolism
      • An Allegory
      • Structure
        • Climactic point stanza 1
        • Falling action stanza 4
      • 'Apple' alludes to the fall of Eve
        • 7 Stanzas, 7 Sins, 7 days of creation.
        • Lillies, in Christianity is a symbol of chastity
      • A girl lost her virginity and is now ruined.


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