Romanian opthan studies - institutionalisaton

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    • Rutters ERA ( English and Romanian Adoptee) study 2011
      • AIM
      • METHOD
        • Followed a group of 165 Romanian orphans adopted in Britain
          • To test what extent good care could make up for poor early experiences in instutions.
        • Physical, cognitive and emotional developmet had been assessed
          • Ages - 4,6,11 and 15
        • 52 British children adopted around the same time has served as the control group
      • FINDINGS
        • Mental retardation was shown when first arrived
          • Majority was severely undernourished
        • age 11 - differential rates of recovery that were related to their age of adoption
        • Mean IQ
          • Adopted before 6 months - 102
          • Between 6 months and 2 years - 86
          • 2 years + - 77
        • 6 months + showed signs of disinhibited attchement
          • Attention seeking, clinginess and social behaviour directed indiscriminately towards all adults
        • Before 6 months - no disinhibited attachment
    • The Bucharest Early Intervention project - Zeanah et al. 2005
      • METHOD
        • Assessed attachment in 95 children
          • 12-31 months
          • 90% their lives in institutional care
          • Attachment type measured using strange situation
            • Control group - 50 children who never lived in institutional care
            • Carers asked about unusual social behaviour (disinhibited attachment )
        • Control group - 50 children who never lived in institutional care
      • FINDINGS
        • Control group
          • 74% - securely attached
          • Disinhibited attachment applied to less than 20%
        • Institutional group
          • 19% - securely attached
          • 65% - disorgainised attachment
          • Disinhibited attachment applied to 44%
      • Disinhibited attachment - typical effect
      • Equally friendly and affectionate towards everyone
        • Highly unusual - no stranger anxiety
        • Disinhibited attachment - typical effect
      • Mental retardation
      • Can be recoverd
        • Mental retardation
        • If adoption takes place before 6 months
    • A03
      • Real life application
      • Fewer extraneous variables than other orphan studies
        • Studies before
          • Children experienced abuse or neglect
            • Hard to observe because they were experiencing factors
              • Confounding participant variables
        • Romanian - possible to study, increased internal validity
      • Not typical
        • Conditions were so bad that results cannot be applied
          • E.g - Poor standards of care
        • Unusual situation variables - lack generalisability


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