Rivers - Erosional Landforms

  • Created by: TomT254
  • Created on: 31-01-16 12:14
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  • Rivers: Fluvial Erosion Processes
    • Waterfalls
      • 1. Form where a band of hard rock meets softer rock.
        • 2. Softer rock is eroded more than the harder rock, causing  'step' in the river bed.
          • 3. The river gains more erosive power due to the lack of friction as it drops over the step.
            • 4. As the river has greater erosive power it continues to erode the soft rock and starts to undercut it.
              • 4+ As the hard rock is undercut, it can collapse.
              • 5. As bits of the collapsed rock are swilled around by turbulence a deep plunge pool is carved out by abrasion.
                • 6. Overtime all the undercutting will cause the water fall to collapse, it then retreats back up the river and the process starts again.
                  • Waterfalls
                    • 1. Form where a band of hard rock meets softer rock.
                      • 2. Softer rock is eroded more than the harder rock, causing  'step' in the river bed.
                        • 3. The river gains more erosive power due to the lack of friction as it drops over the step.
                          • 4. As the river has greater erosive power it continues to erode the soft rock and starts to undercut it.
                            • 4+ As the hard rock is undercut, it can collapse.
                            • 5. As bits of the collapsed rock are swilled around by turbulence a deep plunge pool is carved out by abrasion.
                              • 6. Overtime all the undercutting will cause the water fall to collapse, it then retreats back up the river and the process starts again.
      • Potholes
        • Potholes are small circular hollows in a river bed.
        • They are formed by abrasion as turbulence swirls the rivers bedload in  circular motion.
        • This circular abrasions causes the bedload to rub and scrape out the hole shape on the river bed.
      • Rapids
        • Rapids are a steep section of river with turbulent flow.
        • Found where there are several sections of hard rock.
        • They are like mini waterfalls


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