Rights and responsibilities

  • Created by: NCheetham
  • Created on: 26-04-15 16:02
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  • Rights and responsibilities
    • Bible
      • The Holy book of Christians
      • Fundamental
        • It is literally the word of God
      • Conservative
        • It is the word of God but needs interpreted by the Church
      • Liberal
        • It was inspired by God and gives guidance on how to live but needs to be adapted for modern life
    • Church
      • How the church can help Christians
        • Allows them to talk to others
        • They can pray and worship together
        • Listening to the priest or vicar
        • Can explain the word of God
      • Why the Church has authority
        • God speaks to them through the church
        • Only the Church fully understands the Bible
        • The Church provides rules so people know what to do
        • The Church is the body of Christ
    • Moral decisions
      • Situation ethics
        • The most loving thing to do
        • Positives
          • Follows the main principale of being a genuine Christian
          • Appeals to people
          • Easy to remember
        • Negatives
          • Could be used to justify anything
          • Not always easy to apply
          • Impossible to predict what will happen in every example
      • Conscience
        • The inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action
        • It is the voice of God
        • It makes us feel guilty if we do things that are wrong
        • The way people judge their moral actions
      • Why use a variet of methods?
        • Must live life according to god
        • Different sources have different advice
        • Can mean they make a better decision
        • Means people feel they are using modern ideas but still being a good Christian
    • Why are Human Rights important to Christians
      • Everyone is created euqal by God
      • God loves everyone equally
      • The ten commandments support human rights
      • Jesus taught all humans worthy of respect
    • Christian teachings
      • Golden rule
        • treat others as you wish to be treated
      • The parable of the sheep and the goat
        • God will separate those who have been good and those who haven't
      • Am I my brother's keeper?
        • people should not stand by and do nothing while others suffer. They have a duty to care for others
    • Democracy in the UK
      • Why vote
        • Change can only happen through democracy
        • Allows citizens to have a say
        • It affects issues such as tax, schools, helath care etc
      • How to get involved
        • Write to MP's
        • Become a member of a party
        • Stand for an election
      • UK facts
        • Everyone over 18 can vote
        • Every 5 years an election is held
        • There are 3 main parties Liberal, conservatives and Labour
    • Christians and Genetic engineering
      • For
        • Jesus healed
        • God gave us the knowledge
        • God gave humans power over the world
        • Golden rule- cure diseases
      • Against
        • Only God can create life- should not play god
        • Life is speacial and humans should not interfere
        • It cures defects which don't cause suffering
        • Life begins at conception which means life is destroyed- embryos are discarded


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