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  • Rewilding
    • What is it?
      • Returning land and ocean to a more natural, wilder state.
    • Reasons to rewild
      • Can reverse species extinction
      • Can reduce carbon in the atmoshere if rewilding woodland and grasslands
      • Helps wildlife adapt to climate change.
      • Improves health and wellbeing through healthier soil and cleaner air.
      • Can help control other species.
      • When tourists visit rewilded areas it makes them more conscious of protecting the environment
    • Reasons NOT to rewild
      • Impacts property - For instance introducing predators such as wolves may mean livestock at farms are killed.  Sea eagles in the Isle of Wight.  Worries they may kill sheep.
      • Planning - It takes alot of planning to work out where you should rewild
      • The species might not do well if placed back.
    • Wolves in Yellowstone Park - Deer populations too high as no wolves.  No vegetation left. When wolves arrived they killed deer and then changed the behavior of the deer, who avoided valleys and gorges and the areas regenerated. Birds came backs as more berries and trees and beavers then increased and they built dams that encouraged fish. Rivers meandered less because the regenerated forests stabilized the banks. Less soil erosion.
    • Why did lynx, bear and wolves become extinct in the UK?
      • Bears became extinct gradually due to changes in environment after the Ice Age
      • Lynx and wolves were exterminated by 1680 after Edward I ordered them to be killed because they hunted cattle


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