Respiration and Exercise

  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 09-04-15 23:45
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  • Respiration and Exercise
    • Anaerobic respiration happens when there is not enough oxygen available. Anaerobic means without air. It is the incomplete breakdown of glucose.
      • Anaerobic respiration release less energy than aerobic respiration but it keeps your muscles working for longer.
        • Anaerobic respiration results in an oxygen debt that has to be repaid in order to oxidise toxic lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water.
          • Heart rate and breathing rate remain high after exercise to normalise oxygen levels in the body that were withdrawn during exercise.
          • The amount of oxygen required is called the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).
      • This form of respiration produces a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles which is painful and causes cramps.
    • During vigorous exercise muscle cells may not receive sufficient oxygen for their energy requirements so they start to respire anaerobically.
    • Muscles need energy from respiration to contract. During exercise your muscles contract more  than at rest so they need more energy.This energy comes from increased respiration.
      • The increase in respiration means you need to get more oxygen into the cells.
        • Your breathing rate increases to increase volume of oxygen in  the blood and heart rate increases to transport oxygenated blood around the body faster.
          • To deal with the increased demand, the rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen at the lung surface and in muscle cells increases.


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