
  • Created by: Faolan
  • Created on: 08-11-14 13:37
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  • Respiration
    • The respiratory is the place in the body where gas exchange takes place between the atmosphere and the blood. in humans gas exchange take splice in the alveoli. respiratory surfaces are adapted in a number of ways.
      • A large surface area- there are many alveoli in each lung. together this gives a gas exchange surfaces in humans of any square metres
      • Thin walls with short diffusion distances- there are only two layers of cells separating the oxygen in the alveolus for the red blood cells. this means that there is a short diffusion for the gases involved
      • Moist walls- helps the gases to pass through the respiratory system because the gas dissolve in the moisture
      • Permeable surface- the moist thin walls make the respiratory surfaces permeable
      • A good blood supply- alveoli are surrounded by cappiliries to ensure any oxygen diffusing through is carried around the body this also ensures tab carbon dioxide is continually taken back to the lungs
      • A diffusion gradient- the process of breathing ensures a large diffusion gradient that encourage oxygen to diffuse int the blood
    • Aerobic Respiration
      • Glucose+ Oxygen --> Carbon dioxide +water +energy
      • The energy released in respiration can be used to produce heat in the bay, movement, growth, reproduction and active transport
    • Anaerobic respiration
      • Yeast
        • Beer wine making
      • Animals
        • Glucose--> Lactic acid+ energy


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