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  • Renaissance
    • Public Health
      • The poor went to the barbers in towns, or country side, but they weren't well trained.
      • Rich People went to early modern physicians who were well educated and trained.
      • Houses was made of wood, horse dung and mud.
        • This attracted rats, fleas and lice.
    • Pare
      • His cautery oil ran out that he used to treat wounds on the battle fields.
        • He improvised with egg yolk and rose oil, which actually turned out that wounds healed better with it.
      • He  used catgut ligatures to tie arteries instead of cauterizing the wound.
    • Vesalius
      • Dissection was banned so he sneaked into graveyards after dark and stole dead bodies to dissect.
        • He proved Galen wrong about how the muscle is attached to the bone, and how the jaw has one bone and not two.
  • Harvey
    • Renaissance
      • Public Health
        • The poor went to the barbers in towns, or country side, but they weren't well trained.
        • Rich People went to early modern physicians who were well educated and trained.
        • Houses was made of wood, horse dung and mud.
          • This attracted rats, fleas and lice.
      • Pare
        • His cautery oil ran out that he used to treat wounds on the battle fields.
          • He improvised with egg yolk and rose oil, which actually turned out that wounds healed better with it.
        • He  used catgut ligatures to tie arteries instead of cauterizing the wound.
      • Vesalius
        • Dissection was banned so he sneaked into graveyards after dark and stole dead bodies to dissect.
          • He proved Galen wrong about how the muscle is attached to the bone, and how the jaw has one bone and not two.
  • Factors
    • Communication: the printing press was developed which meant that ideas could spread  more quickly.
      • Books could be swapped and taken from other countries so that knowledge could be passed on.
    • Religion: the Church was still powerful, but people began to challenge them.
    • War: Pare developed his surgical methods at the battlefields.
      • Also chance.
      • War speeds up technology (guns) so medicine had to speed up.
    • Individuals: Pare, Harvey and Vesalius made big contributions.
  • People that went to new places to explore brought back new ideas.
    • Communication: the printing press was developed which meant that ideas could spread  more quickly.
      • Books could be swapped and taken from other countries so that knowledge could be passed on.
  • Technology: The development of the water pump helped William Harvey with his ideas about the heart.
    • Factors
      • Religion: the Church was still powerful, but people began to challenge them.
      • War: Pare developed his surgical methods at the battlefields.
        • Also chance.
        • War speeds up technology (guns) so medicine had to speed up.
      • Individuals: Pare, Harvey and Vesalius made big contributions.
  • Their towns were similar to Medieval towns - they were filthy with no sewers or water pipes. Garbage and human was thrown onto the streets.
    • In 1575 he released a book saying changes that should be made in the way surgeons treated wounds.
      • Treatments
        • A lucky hare's foot
          • pressing a plucked chicken against plague pores until the chicken died.
      • Perfumes
        • Treatments
          • A lucky hare's foot
            • pressing a plucked chicken against plague pores until the chicken died.
      • Leeches
        • Smoking tobacco
      • In the 19th Century Edward Jenner found out how vaccination could prevent disease, like injecting someone with cow pox prevent people from getting small pox.
        • No one knew why, so nothing came of it.
      • In 1836 he discovered spermatic vessels.
        • He became a professor at  Padua University.
          • He published a book called ' Fabrics of the human body' with high quality  annotated illustrations.
            • Studied at Padua and Cambridge Universities.
              • Harvey
              • He became a doctor to Charles I and James I.
                • He  calculated that it was impossible for blood to be burned up in the muscles. Which was Galen's idea.
                  • In figured out from water pumps that the is pumped around the body, and it doesn't pass through the heart.


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