Religious Experience

  • Created by: Rhianna
  • Created on: 18-05-13 11:18
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  • Religious Experience
    • Rudolf Otto
      • Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans
        • Encounter brings about a sense of awe and mystery and a feeling of strangeness
      • Divine has three main qualities
        • Mysterious quality, a realisation that God is incomprehensible
        • God is recognised as being of ultimate importance
        • God has a quality which is both attractive and dangerous
    • Swinburne
      • Take reports of religious experience at face value
      • Principle of Testimony
        • On the whole people tell us the truth. It is more likely that someone is telling the truth rather than lying or mistaken
      • Criticisms
        • Mackie
          • More likely that someone is mistaken or lying
  • Mysterious quality, a realisation that God is incomprehensible
  • God has a quality which is both attractive and dangerous
  • Too much emphasis on the subjective
    • Criticisms
      • Schleiermacher's Though
        • Religious experience is 'self-authenticating'
          • Doesn't need testing to see whether it is genuine
        • Experiences should have priority and statements of belief should be formulated around them
        • Religious Experience
          • Rudolf Otto
            • Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans
              • Encounter brings about a sense of awe and mystery and a feeling of strangeness
            • Divine has three main qualities
              • God is recognised as being of ultimate importance
          • Swinburne
            • Take reports of religious experience at face value
            • Principle of Testimony
              • On the whole people tell us the truth. It is more likely that someone is telling the truth rather than lying or mistaken
            • Criticisms
              • Mackie
                • More likely that someone is mistaken or lying
  • Different forms of religious experience
    • Visions and Voices
      • Samuel in the temple heard God.
      • Virgin Mary at Lourdes
  • Conversion
    • Different forms of religious experience
      • Visions and Voices
        • Samuel in the temple heard God.
        • Virgin Mary at Lourdes
  • Toronto Blessing
    • The same or similar religious experience, experienced by a number of people
      • Corporate
    • Doesn't have to be dramatic
      • Conversion
      • Although this isn't really possible
        • Objective
          • William James
            • Pragmatist
              • Truth of something can be found in its effects
                • Russell rejects this
                  • Example of myth
            • Doesn't have to be marked by supernatural events
              • Truth of something can be found in its effects
                • Russell rejects this
                  • Example of myth
            • Recognised that there are psychological explanations of conversion
            • Four main qualities
              • Passive
            • Criticisms
              • Flew, religious language is meaningless
            • Conclusions
              • R.e does not give proof of anything
                • Though it is reasonable to believe in a personal God who is interested in the world and individuals
      • Can't be repeated or scientifically tested
        • First-hand accounts
          • William James
            • Pragmatist
              • Doesn't have to be marked by supernatural events
                • Recognised that there are psychological explanations of conversion
                • Four main qualities
                  • Passive
                • Criticisms
                  • Flew, religious language is meaningless
                • Conclusions
                  • R.e does not give proof of anything
                    • Though it is reasonable to believe in a personal God who is interested in the world and individuals
          • Said that this doesn't lessen the value of r.e.
            • Doesn't mean God isn't responsible for others.
          • It is more likely that experience is to be trusted than not
            • If it looks like Grace, walks like Grace etc we should accept that there is
              • There has to be a point in which we accept
          • Davis, not the kind of trivial thing we can just accept


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