Justice and Equality

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  • Religion Peace and Justice
    • What do Christians think?
      • some believe they should be PACIFIST because they believe jesus was.
        • They may follow AQUINAS' JUST WAR THEORY
          • These are a set of rules that suggest whether a war is JUSTIFIED (right or reasonable) for example; war must be a last resort
        • Jesus also showed that he was angry at injustice when he threw the traders out of the temple in Mark 11
        • Bible
          • “Prepare for war”
          • “Obey your authorities, for they are appointed by God”
          • David and Goliath
          • Joshua and Jerico
      • other Christians beleive it is right to support war, or participate because the world needs to be rid of injustice
        • The bible says
          • Man is "made in the image of god"
          • "love your neighbour"
          • "do not kill"
        • Jesus said
          • “All who live by the sword die by the sword”
          • “Now you have heard it said, “An eye for an eye” BUT I TELL YOU TURN THE OTHER CHEEK”
          • “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
          • “Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called the sons of God”
      • Other Christians might choose to become CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS – objecting to war on moral (right and wrong) grounds
    • Martian Luther King
      • most famous quotes are: “Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that” and “I have a dream that one day my children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character”
      • Pacifist
      • I campaigned peacefully for equality in America 
      • Christians can use me as an example, because I tried to put the teachings of Jesus into practice, by standing up for injustice peacefully
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
      • I tried to assassinate Hitler – which led to my death, I was angry like Jesus in the Temple (Mark 11), but I took my action to extremes
      • I realised that as a Christian I should be standing up against injustice
      • I was a pacifist until I saw the horrors of the Nazi regime in the Second World War
    • Crime and punishment
      • WWJD?
        • “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” Forgive criminals; give them a second chance…Jesus would have done!
      • 5 aims of punishment
        • Deterrence
        • Retribution
        • Vindication
        • REFORM
          • MOST important for christians
            • Christians believe in FORGIVENESS and REFORMING the criminal.  Many prison Chaplains do the job of visiting prisoners because they believe that Jesus would have done the same (parable of the sheep and goats)
              • Christians believe that they should treat criminals with RESPECT, CARE, AGAPE, but also that they should learn from their mistakes and be REFORMED – hate the SIN not the SINNER
        • Protection
      • BIBLE (Forgiveness)
        • Repentant Thief
          • The thief next to Jesus on the cross believes that he is the Son of God and can forgive his sins.  He asks Jesus to remember him before God; Jesus responses with “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”
            • Christians learn: It is never too late to repent; God will forgive you
        • The Adulterous Woman (John 8)
          • The woman who has been caught committing adultery is brought before Jesus, with the teachers of the law asking him what to do with her.  By law, she should be punished, but Jesus has mercy on her and asks them “Whoever is without sin should cast the first stone.”  One by one they drop their stones and walk away
            • Christians learn: All sin is the same in God’s eyes.  He will have mercy on sinners when they ask for forgiveness
        • Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18) 
          • The chief servant owes the king money, but he cannot pay back his debt.  The king pardons his servant and says he does not have to repay the debt.  The servant is overjoyed.  He skips away from the king’s throne room.  He meets a fellow servant who owes him a little money and instead of letting him off the debt, as the king has done for him, he is angry with the servant who cannot pay and beats him.  The king finds out about this and punishes his servant
            • Christians learn: They should forgive, because they have been forgiven by God
        • REFORM
          • MOST important for christians
            • Christians believe in FORGIVENESS and REFORMING the criminal.  Many prison Chaplains do the job of visiting prisoners because they believe that Jesus would have done the same (parable of the sheep and goats)
              • Christians believe that they should treat criminals with RESPECT, CARE, AGAPE, but also that they should learn from their mistakes and be REFORMED – hate the SIN not the SINNER
    • Capital Punishment
      • CAPTIAL PUNISHMENT – Death Penalty, people are put to death for the severity of their crimes.  It is illegal in England, and is only allowed in some states of America, such as Texas
      • Christians
        • Why are many Christians against capital punishment?
          • Bible
            • “Do not kill”
            • “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”
            • “Turn the other cheek”
          • The executioner is just as bad as the murderer
          • According to Jewish law, the woman in adultery deserved to die –Jesus had mercy on her
          • Two wrongs (and lives lost) do not make a right
        • How do Christians justify capital punishment if they are in favour of it?
          • Bible
            • “An eye for an eye… life for a life” If a person murders someone they ought to be put to death
          • It is the only way that a family can feel that justice has been done


Miss KHP


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