  • Created by: Ryanc345
  • Created on: 10-03-19 23:59
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  • RE (Good and Evil
    • Forgiveness (Christianity)
      • To let go feelings of bitterness and resentment and the desire for revenge against a wrongdoer.
      • Jesus taught us that we should forgive people for their sins 7 times or 77 times. (Matthew 6:14-15)
      • Jesus also stated that you must forgive to be forgiven (matthew 14-15)
      • Gee walkers mother forgave the people who murdered her son because as a christian if she did not forgive, she would not be forgiven. Also, she forgave them because she feels that she cannot hate them as it was hate that killed Anthony.
      • Jesus' own example on the cross was to say to those crucifying him, 'Father forgive them for they know not what to do,'
    • Peace and Conflict
      • Christianity (The Bible)
        • 10 commandments 'Do not kill' (Exodus 20:13)
        • Jesus taught 'Blessed are the peacekeepers' (Matthew 5:9)
        • Jesus taught his followers always to forgive. 'But i'll tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgement.'
      • Christianity (Pacifism)
        • Some Christians refuse to participate in any violence. These are pacifists.
        • In times of war they are conscientious objectors.
      • Christianity (Just war theory)
        • In the 13th century, Thomas Aquines developed 'The just war theory.'
        • If these conditions are followed, fighting can be considered just.
          • Just cause
          • Last resort
          • Declared by legitimate authority.
          • Right intention
          • Reasonable chance of success.
          • To end proportional means.
      • Muslim attitude to war
        • Jihad
          • The jihad is often mistaken for terrorism by the media. this is due to the media representing terrorists as jihadists.
          • The jihad actually refers to a Muslim trying to resist evil. The Qur'an states that this struggle starts with themselves.
          • A 'greater jihad' is the personal battle that everyone has to resist the temptation to do bad or wrong things in favour of choosing the right action.
          • A 'lesser jihad' is the military struggle to defend Islam when it comes under attack. Military action should only be taken to bring about justice, and when it follows the code of warfare.
        • The rules of warfare
          • These rules are very similar to the Just war theory, but conflict is referred to as 'holy war'. In addition to these rules, there are many others.
          • The following must NOT be done in a holy war.
            • Women/children of the enemy side must not be harmed.
            • Trees, crops and animals must also not be harmed.
          • The rules of warfare are...
            • Killing must Not be indiscriminate, innocent civillians must not suffur.
            • Once the aim has been achieved, fighting must stop, mercy must be shown and peace restored.
            • War must have a just cause (Self defence, preventing the suffering or injustice or protecting religion from attack/)
            • War can only be started and controlled by a religious leader.
            • The aim of war MUST be to restore peace and goodness.
            • War must be a last resort.
    • Treatment of criminals
      • John Howard (1726-1790) was a Calvinist. He campaigned for basic but essential provisions such as clean water, bedding and separate cells for men and women.
      • Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) was a Quaker. She campaigned for education in prisons in the hopes that it would reform criminals. She taught countless prisoners how to read.
    • Aims of punishment
      • Retribution-taking revenge on the offender, it makes the offender pay for what they have done.
      • Repairation-this means to make up for what you have done. To compensate the victim and society for your actions.
      • Vindication-the law must be enforced or there is no point in having laws.
      • Reformation-This means to punish someone so they can change their ways for better and can live a crime free life.
      • Deterrence-a punishment should be unpleasent so that it puts the offender (and others) off repeating the crime.
      • Protection-some criminals need to be put away to protect society from their behaviour.


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