Quantitative sales forecasting

  • Created by: noe
  • Created on: 18-09-20 09:22
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  • Quantitative sales forecasting
    • Time-series analysis: method that allows a business to predict future levels from past figures
      • Main components a business wants to identify in time-series analysis: trend and seasonal, cyclical and random fluctuations.
    • Accurate sales forecasts helps businesses to make a number of key decisions. E.g. how much stock to hold or how many people to employ.
    • Identifying the trend: analysis of figures will tell a business whether there is an upward, downward or constant trend.
      • Moving average: a succession of averages derived from successive segments of a series of values
        • When plotted onto a graph, line is 'smoother' removing any fluctiations in sales each year + gives a more obvious picture of the trend.
        • Three-year moving average
          • Add up sales for the first 3 years and divide by 3 Then, the first year's sales dropped out and the next year's sales added to calculate average, and so on.
      • Centring: method used to calculate a moving average, where the average is plotted or calculated in relation to the central figure.
        • Four-year moving average: Add up first four years, drop out the first year and add the fifth, add those up and add the answer to the first four years' average and divide by 8
    • Extrapolation: use of past sales data to forecast future sales.
    • Sales figures can be predicted by drawing a line of best fit through the trend figures and extending it making sure it matches the general slopes of all points in the trend.
      • However, prediction is made believing everything will stay the same but, if other factors changed, it would be inaccurate.
    • Seasonal variations. E.g. a three-year period divided in quarters.
    • Variations from the trend
      • Actual sales - trend. If the answer is positive it is said to be favourable but if it's negative it would be adverse.
        • Average of variations calculated by adding the variations of a certain years and diving it into the number of variations.
        • Then, this would be added to the prediction value based on the trend to make it more accurate




You know what makes me feel better is the Sleeper black friday collection



Great infographic. Will try to organise the same. Thank you.



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