Primary and Secondary effects of volcanoes

  • Created by: Edwards
  • Created on: 25-09-20 10:05
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  • Effects of Volcanoes
    • Primary
      • Immediate
        • Destrustion
          • Farmland
          • Buildings
      • Damage
        • comunications
          • Water
          • Gas
          • Roads
          • Electricity
      • People
        • Killed
        • Injured
    • Secondary
      • Long term
        • Shortage
          • Food
          • Water
          • Shelter
        • hospitals
          • Unable to cope
          • Lacking medicines
          • Lacking Doctors and nurses
        • Loss of income
          • Farmers
          • Bussiness
      • Disease
        • Spread
          • Populations
          • Cholera
      • Economic loss
        • Flight Disruptions
        • Cost of rebuilding


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