Poverty and Wealth

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  • Poverty and wealth
    • Causes of hunger, poverty and disease
      • Poor harvest
      • Lack of education
      • Debt
      • Unfair trade
      • Lack of opportunity
      • Natural disasters
      • Conflict
      • Because we live in a fallen world.
    • The Church and poverty
      • Parable of the Good Samaritan - Jesus showed that people should show agape (self-less love) and help people in need.
    • Charities (CAFOD)
      • Fundraising
      • Emergency aid, e.g. recovering from earthquakes
      • Long term aid, e.g. building schools
      • Education, e.g. providing materials for schools
      • Other Charities
        • Christian Aid
        • The Salvation Army
    • Other Charities
      • Christian Aid
      • The Salvation Army
    • Moral and Immoral Occupations
      • Moral
        • RE teacher
        • Paramedic
        • Priest
      • Immoral
        • Euthanasia doctor
        • Abortion doctor
        • Prostitute


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